Writing “const-correct” code will improve the quality and maintainability of your code. It is especially important and useful when writing Object-Oriented code, as objects are often passed around as constant references. Properly declaring non-mutating methods as const allows you to safely call any const method on such a reference. It is part of good type-safe practice and good code hygiene. So how do we do it?

First, some definitions:

  • mutating: any function or method that alters the state of an object (ie. makes an assignment to any of its data members) is a ‘mutating’ operation. For example, calling a “setter” method is a mutating operation.
  • non-mutating: any operation that does not modify the object’s data members. For example, calling a “getter” method, or performing and returning a calculation.
  • const parameter: if you have a constant reference or pointer to an object, you may not modify it or call any mutating methods on it.
  • const method: a method declared constant promises not to modify the object when called.
  • const correct: writing code that consistently declares methods and parameters const, wherever possible.

There are two simple rules of thumb to follow:

  1. If a method does not modify the object’s state, the method should be declared const.
  2. If a method or function does not modify a pointer or reference parameter, the parameter should be declared const.

Together, these two rules ensures that objects are const as often as possible. Why is this a good thing? It gives the compiler more type information, which can catch potential bugs, and even give opportunities for optimization.

How do you declare a method to be const? Just add the const keyword after the normal method declaration, thus:

class A
    // ...
    unsigned calculateSum() const;
    // ...

You declare a function or method parameter const in the usual way. Note that in C++, references are usually preferred over pointers wherever possible (unless the parameter is optional, so could be NULL).

unsigned processTree(const node& root)
    // ...

Less Good Example

Let’s use a simple Customer class as an example. This is valid, but not really const-correct code:

class Customer
        Customer(std::string name) :
        std::string getName()
            return _name;
       void setName(std::string aName)
            _name = aName;
        // ...
        std::string _name;
        // ...

// ...and elsewhere...
unsigned Invoice::addCustomer(Customer& cust)
    // ...call any methods
unsigned Invoice::getInvoiceCountFor(Customer& cust)
    // ...call any methods

There are several opportunities here to add const qualifiers to the code. The accessor method for name does not modify the object state, so it can be made into a const method by adding the keyword at the end of the method signature. The initial value for name in the constructor, along with the new name in the mutator can both take const references to strings (instead of passing by-value, which is less efficient).

Improved Example

So the above code becomes:

class Customer
        Customer(const std::string& name) :
        std::string getName() const
            return _name;
       void setName(const std::string& aName)
            _name = aName;
        // ...
        std::string _name;
        // ...

// ...and elsewhere...
unsigned Invoice::addCustomer(const Customer& cust)
    // ...call any const methods
unsigned Invoice::getInvoiceCountFor(const Customer& cust)
    // ...call any const methods

Once you have a const reference to an object (such as the cust parameter above in getInvoiceCountFor(), you can only call const methods on that object. For example, the compiler will flag it as an error if you try to call setName(), as it is a mutating method.


So why go to the extra effort? Doesn’t it mean you can do less with the objects if you go around declaring things const? Potentially, yes. But there are a number of benefits:

  • giving the compiler more type information can help catch potential bugs
  • establishes a “contract”, so you know that certain methods or functions will not modify your objects
  • acts as a form of documentation, by declaring the behaviour of methods and treatment of parameters
  • provides opportunities for optimization by the compiler


By following the two simple rules above, you can write tighter, safer code that is easier to manage.

Archived Comments

Author: ChuckD Date: 07/09/2009 03:26:30 PM

Thanks! Well written and very helpful.