This article continues the series on threading with Boost, by looking in depth at several sample programs which illustrate different aspects of mutexes. We look at the code, and discuss how it is implemented, including how to avoid common problems.

Mutex Examples

The full source for the sample applications is provided below. It is designed to be fully portable, and has been tested on Mac OS X and Linux. It should work fine on Windows (please send a patch if it doesn’t!).

You can browse all the sources in the Boost Samples repository for the latest, or use Mercurial to clone your own copy with this shell command:

hg clone

Running bjam or make will build all the examples for you, which you can run from the appropriate subdirectory (depending on your toolchain and architecture).

Duelling Threads

Source module: duel.cpp

This example shows how threads are sensitive to timing and scheduling. There is a global counter which starts at 0. Two threads are created which both try to modify the same counter; one incrementing and the other decrementing. The program runs for a fixed time, then the counter is printed.

What would you expect to happen? (It is worth thinking about this before reading on…!) Assuming the threads get equal time to run, you would think that their effects would cancel each other out - that the same number of increments and decrements would occur, and the result would be 0, or at least very close to 0. Right?

Here’s the result of running the test 10 times for 5 seconds each:

Final counter = -1
Final counter = -3
Final counter = 1
Final counter = -1
Final counter = 0
Final counter = 3
Final counter = -57
Final counter = -8
Final counter = 7
Final counter = -5

Often the result is quite close to zero, but there are several runs which are significantly above or below 0. And there’s one huge outlier where one of the counter threads (quiz: which one?) was starved of some time while the other kept working (answer: the incrementing thread, since the counter is negative, indicating that the decrementing thread was scheduled for longer).

So even on a machine with very few other processes running, even small variations in timing and scheduling can lead to a significant variation in the result.

The moral of this story: the interaction between threads is time-sensitive and non-deterministic (in the absence of synchronisation).

Trylock with Queueing Threads

Source module: trylock.cpp

This sample illustrates two cooperating threads: a producer which places work items in a queue, and a consumer which removes work items from the queue. The shared queue is protected by a mutex.

Each thread locks the mutex when pushing or pulling work items, to protect against concurrent access. Work items are arbitrarily represented by random numbers. Each thread holds the lock for a random time delay to simulate processing.

Since the producer may be holding the lock when the consumer wants to access the queue (or vice versa), the consumer performs a try_lock on the mutex. So instead of blocking until the mutex is free (as a regular call to lock() would), the call fails immediately if the mutex is already locked, and the thread resumes. This contention is reported separately, as it is important to be able to see how often the threads collide.

Each thread prints out the stage it is executing, to enable analysis of the interaction.

Note that this technique is not a good model for real world use - it is specifically designed to illustrate one aspect of using mutexes. For a much better implementation of the Producer-Consumer pattern, see the article on Boost Condition variables later in this series.

Takehome message: thread contention for shared resources wastes processor cycles and can erase performance improvements gained from concurrent code.

Mutex Locking with Timeout

Source module: timedlock.cpp

Shows how to use try_lock on a mutex. A ‘holding’ thread idles for a short time, then grabs the mutex and holds it for another short time before unlocking it. The second thread is the ‘trying’ thread, in that it idles and then tries to acquire a lock on the mutex. But it specifies a timeout by calling the timed_lock() method, and can fail if the holding thread hasn’t released the mutex in time. If it manages to grab the mutex, it holds it for a short time also. The idle and holding times are different, to ensure the threads don’t run in lockstep. Note that unlock() is only called if the lock succeeds!

Recommended Usage: Use a timeout when trying to lock a mutex if you can easily do some other useful work, or if you cannot guarantee you can acquire the resource within a reasonable timeframe.

Recursive Lock

Source module: reclock.cpp

Illustrates recursively locking a mutex. A singleton class, ResourceManager, can register and unregister clients. Since this may be called from the context of any worker thread, it uses a mutex when accessing the dictionary of client information. Since retain/release management also requires the mutex be held during updates, this serves as an illustration of recursive locking. These methods can be called individually, or from within the register/unregister methods, which also hold the mutex. For example:

registerClient()                  lockCount = 0
    mMutex.lock()                 lockCount = 1
    retainClient()                lockCount = 1
        mMutex.lock()             lockCount = 2
        mMutex.unlock()           lockCount = 1
    mMutex.unlock()               lockCount = 0

Note: Recursive mutexes should be used rarely, if at all. If you think you need a recursive mutex, it may be a sign that you have a structural problem with the code and you should reconsider the design.

Fun fact: The person who implemented recursive mutexes in pthreads did it as a bit of a joke, just to prove it was possible - not really intending for them to be used in real programs.


Source module: deadlock.cpp

Imagine you have multiple co-operating threads as well as multiple shared resources. Each shared resource is dutifully protected by its own mutex. So provided each thread locks the mutex before accessing the resource, everything should run smoothly, right? What could possibly go wrong?

A deadlock is what could go wrong, and appears as if the program has simply hung. It’s relatively easy for these situations to occur, but it is also relatively easy to prevent deadlocks with some care and thought.

A deadlock occurs when thread one is holding lock A while waiting for lock B, which itself is held by thread two which is waiting for lock A. In other words, the two threads are both waiting for each other to do something that can never happen. An impasse!

Now this example is intentionally written to fall into a deadlock. So whatever you do, don’t copy the code from this example into your own code. Study it and make sure you understand why it is wrong.

In the source, thread one wants to lock both mutex A and mutex B, and it does so in that order. It will then perform some processing, and unlock the two mutexes. Thread two is similar, in that it wants to lock mutex A and mutex B before it can safely do its work. However, the poor programmer who wrote this code hadn’t had their second cup of coffee that morning, and wrote the code such that it first locks mutex B, then mutex A. No big deal, right?

The program prints information about its progress, including which thread is in what state, such as processing, waiting for a lock, and so on. This makes it easier for us to analyse what is going on. (When debugging multithreaded code, printf is your friend!)

Each thread holds both locks while they work, which can take a random length of time. This setup can work ok for a little while, provided the timing is just right. This can be seen in the trace below, which shows the normal output of the program:

ONE idle
TWO idle
ONE wait_A
ONE wait_B
ONE processing
TWO wait_B
ONE unlock_B
ONE unlock_A
ONE idle
TWO wait_A
TWO processing
TWO unlock_A
TWO unlock_B
TWO idle
TWO wait_B
TWO wait_A
TWO processing
ONE wait_A
TWO unlock_A
TWO unlock_B
TWO idle
ONE wait_B
ONE processing
ONE unlock_B
ONE unlock_A
ONE idle
TWO wait_B
TWO wait_A
TWO processing
TWO unlock_A
TWO unlock_B
TWO idle
TWO wait_B
TWO wait_A
TWO processing
TWO unlock_A
TWO unlock_B
TWO idle

but before long at all, the program will invariably hang. At this point, you will have to use Control-C (or your platform’s equivalent) to kill the program. And if you run it a few times, you will notice the same two patterns always appearing at the end of the trace; either:

ONE wait_A
TWO wait_B
ONE wait_B
TWO wait_A


TWO wait_B
ONE wait_A
TWO wait_A
ONE wait_B

Reflecting back to the trace when everything seemed to be working, we see that the threads ran smoothly when they managed to lock both locks at once. But notice how these telltale signs, these skidmarks leading up to the moment of the crash, show thread one and two locking are always interleaved when they acquire these locks?

In the first example, thread one acquires mutex A, and before it can lock mutex B, thread two is scheduled, and comes along and locks mutex B. Then thread one tries to acquire mutex B and blocks since it is already locked by thread two, waiting forever, being a patient worker thread. At this point, thread two can run again, and tries to acquire mutex A. Unfortunately, this lock is held by thread one which is not coming back until it gets mutex B - which will never happen. Because thread two is now blocked forever, waiting on mutex A. Your only consolation is that they probably won’t consume any CPU cycles while they remain in this deadlock. But the program certainly isn’t going anywhere!

So how can this be avoided? Fortunately, the fix is simple - always acquire the mutexes in the same order, and (ideally) release them in the reverse order. This fix is an exercise left for the reader, but verify for yourself that the program will run as long as you like once the locks are acquired in the same order.

Why does this work? Because it prevents the possibility of holding a contested mutex while blocking on another.

Remember: Always acquire multiple mutexes in the same order to avoid deadlocks.

Exclusive Shared Mutex with Access Semantics

Source module: sharedlock.cpp

This example shows how three worker threads can co-operate accessing a shared resource, where two are reading and the third is writing. It is frequently important to manage access in this way, and can drastically improve performance by increasing concurrency.

If a thread is only reading from a shared resource, it does not require exclusive access. Thus many threads can safely obtain read-only access to a resource. It is only if a thread needs to write to the resource to update it that it will need exclusive access, to ensure the data is updated atomically (as seen by any worker threads) and remain consistent.

Thus by granting multiple threads concurrent read access, concurrency is increased in proportion to the number of read-only threads. The only disadvantage is that any thread wishing to modify the shared resource (ie. use an exclusive lock) must wait until all reading threads have finished. This provides a good incentive to have the scope of the locks as short as possible, to reduce the time a writing thread would need to wait for exclusive access.

In this example, A network thread simulates producing data by ading random numbers to a container. A display thread shows the data on screen, and a database thread writes the numbers to a file. The network thread uses an exclusive write lock to update the shared data container, while the other two threads use a shared read-only lock, which means they can both concurrently access the data safely. If the network thread tries to access the data while either of the other two have a read-lock, it has to wait until all threads release their shared locks.

(Normally a producer-consumer setup such as this would use a Condition variable to signal when more data is ready, but we’re saving that for a future installment.)