The humble for loop is one of the oldest control flow control constructs in the Algol family of languages. Yet while other languages have extended their syntax to allow for loops to do all sorts of crazy and useful things beyond iterate over a range of numbers, C and C++ have remained steadfast - until now.

The for loop finally has a new syntax to better support iterators and ranges, just two great new features in C++11. So you can now easily iterate over much more than just numbers.

The C++ container classes in the Standard Template Library (STL) provide iterators, but the familiar looping syntax is the rather unwieldly pattern:

#include <vector>

std::vector<int> vec;
// ...
std::vector<int>::iter it;
for (it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it)
    int& n = *it;
    total += n;

For some time, the Boost++ project has provided some syntactic sugar to reduce the complexity of this code considerably. By using the Boost foreach library, you can replace the above loop with the much simpler:

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH

std::vector<int> vec;
// ...
foreach (int& num, vec)
    total += n;

But now the C++11 specification finally has this style of syntax built in to the language (with a slight change of punctuation; it uses : rather than ,). So now you can write:

#include <vector>

std::vector<int> vec;
// ...
for (auto n : vec)
    total += n;

This is obviously much cleaner and clearer than the explicit iterator-based code shown above. If all you need to do is iterate over an STL container, you can start using this syntax straight away.

(Aside: if you are actually going to sum the contents of a vector as in this example, using the reduce algorithm is even better.)

The new for loop in detail

So how does this new range-based for loop actually work? Well, given the simple expression:

for ( range_declaration : range_expression ) loop_statement

this loop is equivalent to the following expanded code:

    auto && __range = range_expression;
    for (auto __begin = __range.begin(),
        __end = __range.end();
        __begin != __end; ++__begin)
        range_declaration = *__begin;

Stepping through line by line, we see that the for loop lives inside its own block. First, __range is evaluated to determine the sequence over which to iterate. Then (as in the traditional container case) the _begin and __end variables are used to control the loop, incrementing __begin until it reaches __end (which is one past the last entry). The loop body dereferences the iterator to get the item value at the current position, and then the code in loop_statement is executed.

This construct also works naturally with plain arrays, where the bound is added to the beginning to determine the range.

Finally, this works with the new begin()/end() range functions in the C++11 standard library, described next.


Iterators defined by containers in the STL have begin() and end() methods to control iteration loops. New in C++11 are begin() and end() functions (in the std namespace), which can be used to work with ranges. So what is a range? Essentially a begin()/end() pair which define the extents of an iteration over a container. By making begin()/end() common functions, generic algorithms can more easily work with user-defined containers that live outside the STL.

The simple form of their declarations are as follows:

template< class C > 
auto begin( C& c ) -> decltype(c.begin());

template< class C > 
auto end( C& c ) -> decltype(c.end());

This uses some new C++11 features to basically say that, for whatever type you pass to these functions, they will return you something of the same type as the begin() or end() methods they define within the class. This works with C style arrays, initialiser lists, STL containers and any user-defined types. In short, it is a much more flexible form of the original STL pattern.

Custom classes and ranges

To add range support to your own class, you must provide the following support:

  • begin() and end(), either as methods or overloaded functions, that return the appropriate iterators

and then you need an iterator class with the following features:

  • dereferencing to access the current item (operator*)
  • inequality to compare iterators (operator!=)
  • pre-increment to advance the iterator to the next item (operator++)

Given a container class, you could define your iterator class something like this, for example:

class MyIterator

    MyIterator(const MyContainer& c, unsigned idx = 0)
            : m_container(c),

    // Required
    bool operator!=(const MyIterator& other)
        return (m_index != other.m_index);

    // Required
    const MyIterator& operator++()
        return *this;

    // Required
    MyObject& operator*() const;

    const MyContainer&      m_container;
    unsigned                m_index;

MyObject& MyIterator::operator*() const
    return m_container.get(m_index);

Its responsibilities are primarily to keep a reference to its container proper, and maintain the index of the current item. The methods marked required are the minimum interface to participate in the range-based for loop support. The implementation is very straightforward.

The container class must provide methods to generate iterator classes; something like this:

class MyContainer
    MyContainer(unsigned capacity);

    // Required
    MyIterator begin () const
        return MyIterator(*this, 0);

    // Required
    MyIterator end () const
        return MyIterator(*this, m_currentIndex);


This allows your own custom classes to be used in a very natural way with the new for loop, such as this example:

MyContainer     cont(10);

cont.add(MyObject(9, "IX"));
cont.add(MyObject(56, "LVI"));
cont.add(MyObject(43, "XLIII"));
cont.add(MyObject(1984, "MCMXXCIV"));

for ( auto obj : cont)
    std::cout << obj.number() << ": " << obj.description() << std::endl;

The full source to the examples is available in my Github C++11 samples.