The new override modifier can be applied to a virtual method in C++11, and instructs the compiler that the method is intended to override a virtual method defined in the parent class. The primary advantage is that typos and mismatched method signatures that would have resulted in subtle bugs and unintended runtime bheaviour before can now be detected at build time and easily corrected.

Without override

Imagine we have the following code:

// Base class with virtual method
class Base0
    virtual void foo(int num)
        std::cout << "Base0::foo(int)" << std::endl;

// Derived class with mismatched type.
// This error will not be caught.
class Derived0 : public Base0
    virtual void foo(float num)
        std::cout << "Derived0::foo(float)" << std::endl;

The intent was for Derived0 to implement its own foo() method to override the Base0::foo(int) method. However, the developer made a mistake in the type signature and the parameter type does not match (float here versus int above). The result is that Derived0::foo(float) is a distinct method from Base0::foo(int) and will not necessarily be called on all the occasions the developer intended. Typically this would be when a polymorphic call on a Base0 pointer type to a Derived0 instance was expected to call the derived implementation. In other words, given some test code which exercises the foo method for each class, if we write:

std::unique_ptr<Base0>   b0(new Base0);
std::unique_ptr<Base0>   d0(new Derived0);


then the output we see is not what we might expect:


The developer had intended that Derived0 be invoked in the second call, but the Base0 version was called instead, since it matches the type signature of the method in the base class and foo(float) is not considered an overriding method.

With override

The fix is to add the override modifier to the method declaration in the derived class to make our intentions explicit.

// Base class with virtual method
class Base1
    virtual void foo(int num)
        std::cout << "Base1::foo(int)" << std::endl;

// Derived class intends to override.
// Since parent type signature doesn't match,
// this error will be caught
class Derived1 : public Base1
    virtual void foo(float num) override
        std::cout << "Derived1::foo(int)" << std::endl;

Now if we attempt to compile this code, we will receive the following error:

override1.cpp:28:18: error: 'foo' marked 'override' but does not override any member functions
    virtual void foo(float num) override;
1 error generated.

The fix is simple; update the type signature to match the parent. The code then compiles, and the following test code:

std::unique_ptr<Base1>   b1(new Base1);
std::unique_ptr<Base1>   d1(new Derived1);


works correctly, producing the following expected result:


When to use override

The override modifier should be used in modern C++ code whenever a virtual function is overridden in a derived class. The use of override can catch some subtle bugs that would be otherwise be time-consuming and difficult to detect and correct.

The override modifier only has a compile-time impact, so there is no runtime cost whatsoever to using it.

There is one consideration - since override is a C++11 feature, care must be taken to ensure that the target toolchain is compatible with modern features. Older compilers would need a compatability mode to ignore this modifier in order to build.

Sample Code

THe sample code can be otained from Github:

Final vs Override

In addition to the override modifier, there is support for expressing the opposite sense; the final declaration instructs the compiler that the method cannot be overridden by a dervied class. The final modifier is explained in its own article, C++11 and final.